Jan 27, 2025
Your chance to get involved with an exciting new film project with Penrith Action for Community Transition (PACT) + a job opportunity!
About the Green Screen
Over the past 2 years, Green Screen film events have been taking place at the Penrith Alhambra Cinema. An environmental film is shown, followed by a panel discussion, ranging from the film director to local people with expertise relating to the film. When younger people attend Green Screen films, discussions are richer and bring home messages within the films more clearly.
We want to hear from you!
Younger people are those most likely to be affected by climate change yet, often, their voices are often not heard and they are excluded from decision making.
This new project wants to work with younger people between 16 and 25 who live, work or study in Penrith to effectively “take over” Green Screen events. There are a number of ways you could get involved:
- Attend Green Screen events with some free tickets available
- Choose and deliver 4 films for the Green Screen film series this year, building knowledge and understanding of climate change
- Engage speakers for panel discussions. Consider questions for the panel
- Develop publicity for events, developing media and communication skills
- Be on a steering group for the project
- Improve confidence in influencing decision making and taking action in our communities on environmental issues
- Help produce a 5–10-minute film about climate related concerns and ideas for community action to screen at the cinema, on social media, in schools and community group settings
The project is supported by a Zero Carbon Cumbria project grant until September 2025.
Please contact PACT if you would like to get involved or get further information about this opportunity - send an email to: greenscreenpenrith@gmail.com
Freelance Part-time Youth Green Screen Facilitator
Penrith Action for Community Transition (PACT) is seeking a part-time freelance facilitator to assist in delivering a community environmental film project, Green Screen Penrith.
The facilitator will work with people aged 16 to 25 to assist the group to: choose films to show; engage speakers to speak at panel discussions; help to produce publicity for the events; and help produce a short film to describe the perspectives of the group. The project aims to help develop media and communication skills, building confidence and participation in understanding and acting upon environmental issues.
Applicants should have an understanding of the causes and impact of climate change, the motivation and energy to make a difference and a strong interest in the use of creative arts to promote environmental change.
Flexible contract with a delivery plan to be agreed. Average 16 hours per month over 9 months to end 30th September 2025. Occasional evening and weekend working will be required.
Pay: £20.00 an hour.
The project is supported by a Zero Carbon Cumbria project grant.
PACT is a community organisation that has been striving to bring about a more sustainable way of life in Penrith and the Eden Valley for more than a decade. Volunteers run projects and activities to motivate local people to reduce their carbon footprint and environmental impact in a way that builds community connections and resilience.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like further information about this opportunity on email: greenscreenpenrith@gmail.com
To apply for this contract, please contact us to obtain a job description and application form.
Closing date for applications: 12:00 (noon) Thursday 30th January 2025