BBC Radio Cumbria Interview for VVRE

BBC Radio Cumbria Interview for VVRE

Mar 13, 2023

In January 2023, BBC Radio Cumbria did a wonderfully extensive focus on the Virtual Voices in Religious Education (VVRE) Project in which project leaders and participants were invited to describe the project - its aims and impact - in conversation with Helen Millican.

In this first part of the radio session, VVRE project lead and Cumbria SACRE Chair, Jane Yates, discusses the genesis of the project and how the digital resources were created, including the innovative use of ‘you-questions’.

Next, Helen interviewed RE & Philosophy Subject Lead Jim Connolly from William Howard School and Headteacher Michelle Clark from Asby Endowned Primary School about the impact of the VVRE Project in their schools including pupil voices from William Howard School.

Lastly, we hear from the ‘voices’ themselves. Here, Cumbria SACRE Baháʼí member Karen O'Donoghue and her daughter Amelia talk about what it was like to be a 'voice' on the VVRE Project and a special feature on World Religion Day on 15th January.

Virtual Voices in Religious Education (VVRE) is a collaborative project between Cumbria SACRE and  CDEC. Funded by Culham St Gabriel’s Trust, this project has created a facilitated and secure virtual platform for primary and secondary schools to encounter ‘voices’ for an education in religion and worldviews. An outcome of the project has been to produce a series of innovative digital resources, the aim of which being to enhance high-quality teaching and learning of RE and SMSC for schools in Cumbria.


BBC Radio Cumbria Interview for VVRE