Jul 1, 2020
As World Population Day on 11 July approaches, take a look at our activities to help think about the effects the human species has on the world and how a reduced population can reduce some of our problems.
It is World Population Day on 11 July, a day on which we think about the problems and issues
that the number of people on this bring to our planet.
Population growth increases the competition for resources while weakening our ability to deal with problems like climate change. Use this activity to show why it is so important to look after our world and, importantly, the part where we can grow food to feed everyone.
One of the best ways to challenge these problems is to support the education of girls, both improving lives while also making Earth’s limited resources more secure.
A high-quality education, which includes information and guidance around family planning and female reproductive health, can open up more personal choices and greater financial independence for young women. Use this activity to explore how education has changed through the generations and the effect this has had on our society.
And watch this film from The Girl Effect which explains the effects of poverty on girls and the way the education of girls lifts this poverty.
Dialogue Work's Hometalk explores beauty this week - take a look here.